Server Rules

  • Treat others with respect. 
  • Keep chat family friendly. 
  • Advertising is not allowed.
  • All players must have appropriate usernames that are not offensive.
  • Your Minecraft skin must be appropriate for our community and are not offensive.
  • Griefing is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
  • Going into another player’s base without permission is trespassing.
  • Do not hack or cheat to gain an advantage that would not normally be available in regular gameplay.
  • Modifications that control your player or automate actions are prohibited.
  • Trading of any items for real-life money or form of currency is prohibited.
  • Advertising of other servers in public and private chat is prohibited.
  • Never share your account’s information with anyone.
  • Do not attempt to use our server for the purpose of scamming other players.
  • Do not send the same message in quick succession in public chat.
  • Profanity, racism, and discrimination are prohibited in public chat.
  • Inappropriate builds are not allowed.
  • Abusing a bug or a glitch in the server to gain an unfair advantage is prohibited.
  • Do not use any form of automated programs or scripts.
  • You are not allowed to advertise anything that is not related to the server.
  • Do not spam commands that negatively affect other players.
  • Teleport trapping is prohibited.
  • You are not allowed to share account information in chat.
  • Drama, politics, and religion in the chat are prohibited.
  • Do not use any fancy or glitchy characters in chat.
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